02 May

The Future of UX

I recently had a conversation with one of my classmates where he said that he did not want to work on mobile UX because it had already been done to the point that nothing new would come out of it. Upon reflection, I disagree with him, but it did start me thinking about what the future of UX is going to look like.

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23 Jan

Are We Forgetting the Meaning in UX?

This entry is part of the "Half-Baked Ideas, Musings, and Other Ill Conceived Notions" series which is a compilation of half-thought out ideas that I have in passing. They may be bad, ill conceived, and/or wrong, but they are meant to stimulate debate and reflection.

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27 Dec

UX Reading List

Here is a the beginning of a short collection of some of my favorite UX articles I have come across on the web, what I've learned from them, and why I think that every UX professional should read them.

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18 Jul

The Forgotten Generation - UX for the Elderly

Just the other day, my neighbor was telling me that not once, not twice, but three times this year he has witnessed elderly women break out into tears while trying to pump their own gas. They were so confused...

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