Hi, I'm Adam Engstrom

UX Researcher & Service Designer

Who I Am

I am a social psychologist who discovered user experience (UX) as a way of turning my love of studying human behavior into a tangible impact on the real-world.

Now as a user experience researcher and service designer, I use my skills and education to unpack esoteric problems and gain a deeper understanding of people's needs and wants.

What Inspires Me

Education and Learning

Learning new things is probably my biggest hobby. I am constantly looking for something new and interesting to study, and I have dipped my toes into everything from social psychology to counter-terrorism.

Just a few of the topics I've studied are human-computer interaction, social psychology, counter-terrorism, GIS, web development, political science, glassblowing, and even fractals.

Cultures and Travel

I love learning about and immersing myself in new cultures, and I take every opportunity I can to travel.

To date, I have lived in two continents, three countries, four states, and ten cities, and living in so many places has given me a deeper understanding of how culture affects how people think.

I hope to travel more in the future and am excited about the possibilities of one day even moving to Asia, perhaps Singapore.

Flags of the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Sweden.

Culinary Arts

I love making good food for my friends and family, and I can often be found in the kitchen trying some crazy new recipe I have found. One day soon, I hope to take culinary courses in my spare time so that I can advance my skills even further!

As just an appetizer of some of my favorite recipes, I've made coffee chocolate cake with a basil buttercream, watermelon chipotle maple-glazed chicken, roasted acorn squash with chestnut-cherry-gorgonzola cheese stuffing, and chocolate-cranberry goat cheese truffles.


When not in the kitchen, I can often be found practicing the Brazilian martial art, Capoeira. I started learning it in 2018 not expecting to stick with it for long.

However, I ended up really enjoying the health benefits, the community, and sense of accomplishment I get from finally mastering new moves.

Thanks to Capoeira, I can now do cartwheels and am working on improving my backflips.

Want to work with me? Get in touch